"Dental Implants Brought My Joy For Life Back! "
If anything can come of me talking to you guys, it’s that if even just one person finds the right solution and doesn’t go through what I went through, it’s worth my time and energy. I mean, really, when it’s more comfortable to be toothless than it is to have teeth in your mouth, you know you’ve got a problem. So it wasn’t a hard decision. I think it’s a personification of who you are on the inside. If you’re happy with yourself and show who you are and put other people at ease.
When you tell me how many hours and thousands of dollars. And this is the first time I felt really comfortable.

It’s a tough world we live in right now. And being able to smile at people and make them feel comfortable and maybe even laugh, if not at themselves, at me, I’m fine with that. But to just enjoy being alive. And that was something that was denied when I couldn’t talk to people because they are busy looking at your mouth going, “what’s wrong with her?”
Dr. Lee:
No, don’t look at it yet.
Dr. Lee:
Just please sit down. And then I want you to, on the count of three, you’re going to flip it and you’re going to tell me what you see.
Oh, you know what this is? This is the old denture.
Dr. Lee:
Go ahead and show it, show the teeth.
Would you like to have a big gum like that? It’s like 90% gum and 10% teeth.
Dr. Lee:
They kind of look like it was falling too.
It was constantly falling out of my mouth. And no matter how many times you put, but [inaudible [(2:23)] the name right. But no matter how does he glue it in your mouth, in about ten minutes, it will be falling back out again because it was protruding so far. It’s like this horse mouth out here. And the bottoms never stay. So, yeah, that’s a very sad person. She may be smiling but she’s a sad person.
It took me almost a year to find the Pacific Northwest Dental Center. And when you walk in the door, that was like, oh, my God. But they were just really kind and very thoughtful and nice and they did an examination with the CAT scan, and then sat and talked with me. And Dr. Lee is wonderful. I love Chris. He’s like this superstar. And I told Chris at the office. I said you work on the wrinkles. Dr. Lee is working on the teeth. Chris let me down. I mean, the wrinkles are still there. [laughter]
Dr. Lee:
[inaudible [(3:39)] Chris.
I know. It’s so rude. I’ve been my entire lifetime in a dentist chair.
Dr. Lee:
When you tell me how many hours and thousands of dollars. And this is the first time I felt really comfortable.
Dr. Lee:
Oh thank you. Yeah yeah.
And I think just being comfortable with myself, it’s like it’s back to where my natural teeth really for a while were perfect. Say, it’s nice to just be able to be comfortable with my face and my smile at this point. And, yeah, I’ve been almost a year without any teeth. I mean I couldn’t wear the dentures. They were terrible. So, I mean, to actually have teeth in my mouth, to go home and actually eat something, I’m gaining all this weight back again. Now, I have to get serious about what are you doing about your diet. Say, and I can definitely chew most anything. Yes, indeed. I’m so grateful to them. I mean, I feel like they’ve given me back my life. How do you say thank you for that? So, gosh, I’m going to cry.

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