Scaling and root planing, also known as periodontal therapy, are popular dental treatments used to treat gum disease or periodontitis. Scaling and root planing, alternatively referred to as conventional periodontal therapy, non-surgical periodontal therapy, or deep cleaning, is a periodontal therapy operation that involves the removal of tooth plaque and calculus.
What is the process of scaling your teeth, and how does it work?
Your dentist might tell you to get your teeth cleaned. This procedure is usually done at the same time as root planing. They are called “deep cleaning” in more simple terms.
Teeth scaling and root planing help treat long-term gum disease (otherwise known as gum disease). People who get their teeth cleaned are more thorough than people who clean their teeth.
Most people need more than one dental visit for teeth scaling and root planing. If you have chronic periodontal disease or receding gums, you may need a local anaesthetic.
Outpatient surgery usually takes a few days to heal, but it could take longer.
When do you need your teeth cleaned?
You might need teeth scaling and root planing if you have long-term gum disease. Stopping the harmful effects of this condition and keeping your mouth healthy can be done with these steps.
When bacteria in plaque cause your gums to pull away from your teeth, you have chronic periodontal disease, also called gum disease. This causes significant gaps to form between your teeth and gums, and more bacteria can grow there that you can’t reach with your teeth brushing.
It would help if you flossed every day so that you can get to places your brush won’t reach.
If you don’t treat chronic periodontal disease, it can lead to:
- Bone and tissue loss.
- Teeth falling out
- Moving teeth
What occurs during a tooth scaling procedure?
Scaling and root planing of the teeth can be performed as an outpatient procedure in your dentist’s office. Depending on the severity of your problem, you may need to arrange one or more appointments for the surgery.
Your dentist may or may not require the use of a local anaesthetic to alleviate the procedure’s discomfort. Consult your dentist if you are concerned about pain.
Your dentist will begin by scaling your teeth. This procedure entails scraping plaque from your teeth and any big pockets formed between your teeth and gums.
Following that, your dentist will perform root planing. Your dentist will use a scaling instrument to smooth the tooth roots. This smoothing aids in the reattachment of your gums to your teeth.
Additionally, depending on the state of your teeth and gums, your dentist may recommend additional therapy. Your dentist may apply antimicrobial agents to your mouth or prescribe oral antibiotics for several days to aid in healing.
Your dentist may use a technique called host modulation, in which additional medication is injected directly into your gums to help reverse the harmful effects of long-term periodontitis or to decrease the risk of infection following your surgery.
Traditional instruments such as a scaler and a curette are utilised to complete the procedure. However, alternative technologies such as lasers and ultrasonic devices are available for teeth scaling.
We hope this blog has provided you with the required information regarding scaling and root planing. Get in touch with us at Pacific NW Dental Centre if you are looking for the best scaling and root planing treatment in Spanaway, WA.