Are You A Candidate For All-On-4® Dental Implants In Spanaway, WA?

Are You A Candidate For All-On-4® Dental Implants In Spanaway, WA?

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When people have a full arch of damaged or missing teeth, All-On-4® dental implants could be the right tooth replacement option for them. But how does one know if they are a candidate for this advanced and life-improving procedure? Luckily, there are many ways patients can be candidates for All-On-4® dental implants in Spanaway, WA. Continue reading to learn more about what makes people candidates for this state-of-the-art procedure.


Who Is A Candidate For All-On-4 Dental Implants In Spanaway, WA?

Before people can get treated with this life-changing procedure, they should go to an experienced doctor who can determine if All-On-4s are the right procedure option for them. The knowledgeable and skilled doctor can determine the persons candidacy by assessing their current oral health condition and take digital scans of their mouth. Luckily, many people can be candidates for All-On-4 treatments as long as they have enough bone available in their jaw.

If they are not immediate candidates because of underlying oral conditions, this modern office can treat them with procedures like bone grafting and gum disease treatments so they can become candidates.

What Should I Do To Prepare For My All-On-4 Dental Implants?

Before the patient’s advanced treatment even begins, they can get administered with sedation dentistry to ease any anxiety or discomfort they could feel during their procedure. When people don’t get sedation dentistry, they run the risk of having a painful and anxiety-ridden procedure. At its worst, patients may not get the restorative treatment they need to improve their smile.

The Benefits Of Getting Treated With An All-On-4 Dental Implant

After patients have been treated with All-On-4’s, they can look forward to experiencing many of their benefits. The benefits of getting this life-changing procedure are:

  • a durable and long-lasting new smile
  • reduced or eliminated need for dental restorations
  • improved smile appearance and comfort
  • the new smile is secured with just four dental implants
  • jawbone recession is prevented
  • no dietary limitations

While All-On-4 dental implants are a great option for restoring a person’s imperfect smile, when they are placed by a trusted doctor, their beneficial results can last a lifetime. A skilled doctor has the knowledge, experience, and caring practice with modern techniques and technologies to give patients the best procedure results possible.

For example, patients can get a customized All-On-4 treatment when they get treated with guided dental implant techniques.


Come To Our Office To See If You Are An All-On-4 Dental Implant Candidate

Ready for a new smile with All-on-4 dental implants? You should come to our compassionate and advanced office to see if you are a candidate for them. Get in contact with Dr. Kwansoo Lee and our team of professionals at our Pacific NW Dental Center office to schedule an appointment today!

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